Sowjanya Gollapinni, PhD
Group News
May 2023: Welcome new members! Our group welcomes new SULI summer undergraduates, Emily Foley and Kevin Tanner!
Feb. 2023: Gollapinni featured in the United Kingdom Innovation News Network (INN) article on neutrinos
Jan. 2023: Welcome new members! Our group welcomes new SULI post-bacc Leon Tong!
Aug. 2022: Postdoc David Rivera receives the prestigious LANL Director's Postdoctoral fellowship
Jul. 2022: Congratulations to post-bacc Rebecca Hicks who will start graduate school at Univ. of Pennsylvania
Apr. 2022: Congratulations to post-bacc Eric Deck who will start his graduate school at UCSD!
Apr. 2022: Congratulations to post-bacc Nupur Oza who will start her graduate school at Columbia!
Jun. 2022: Gollapinni featured in the Scientific American article on neutrinos and DUNE
Jan. 2022: Postdoc Rob Fine receives the prestigious LANL Director's Postdoctoral fellowship
Jan. 2022: Welcome new members! Mark Ross-Lonergan receives the prestigious LANL Oppenheimer Distinguished fellowship and will join the team starting Feb. 28, 2022
Jan. 2022: Gollapinni group members receive LANL SPOT award for safe execution & operation of the DUNE laser lab
Nov. 2021: Postbac Rebecca Hicks receives Spring 2022 SULI internship at LANL
Oct. 2021: Welcome new members! Our group welcomes new postdoc Dr. David Rivera!
Oct. 2021: LANL News article featuring the LANL neutrino team on first results low energy excess results from MicroBooNE
Oct. 2021: LANL News Article featuring Gollapinni 's team on first single-photon results from MicroBooNE addressing MiniBooNE anamoly
Sep. 2021: APS Fall 2021 Gazette News Letter published for which Gollapinni served as the primary editor & coordinator
Aug. 2021: Postdoc Mattia Fani and Engineer Eric Renner receive LANL SPOT Awards for their significant accomplishments in setting up the LANL DUNE laser lab
Feb. 2021: LANL's National Science Security article on the DUNE experiment
Jan. 2021: Gollapinni is elected as the Chair of the MicroBooNE Collaboration Board for a 2-year term
Jan. 2021: LANL's Physics Flash (Physics Sciences Directorate News Letter) article on Gollapinni
Nov. 2020: APS Fall 2020 Gazette News Letter published for which Gollapinni served as the primary editor & coordinator along with authoring an article on "How to Actively Not be a Barrier to Diversity Efforts in Physics"
Oct. 2020: LANL STE highlight on LANL's contributions to DUNE Technical Design Reports (TDRs)
Sep. 2020: Gollapinni featured in NSF's funded QuarkNET program Friday Flyer on "MicroBooNE"
Sep. 2020: APS Fall 2021 Gazette News Letter published for which Gollapinni served as the primary editor & coordinator
Aug. 2020: Welcome new members! Our group welcomes new postdoc Dr. Rob Fine!
Apr. 2020: Welcome new members! Our group welcomes new postdoc Dr. Mattia Fani!
Mar. 2020: Gollapinni featured in Columbia University's video on female physicists
Dec. 2019: Wayne State University Spotlight on Gollapinni's DOE ECA award
Oct. 2019: UTK postdoc Wei Tang and graduate student Andrew Mogan win the URA Visiting Scholar Awards
Sep. 2019: Gollapinni moves to Los Alamos National Lab under a senior scientist appointment and receives an appointment as an Adjunct Faculty for a 4-year term in the Physics Department at UTK
Aug. 2019: Professor Gollapinni wins the prestigious Department of Energy (DOE) Early Career Award (ECA) (see the awardee list)
Apr. 2019: UTK Extraordinary Professional Promise Award to Student Andrew Mogan
Mar. 2019: Graduate student Andrew Mogan awarded 2019 Fermilab's Neutrino Physics Center (NPC) fellowship
Sep. 2018: Fermilab's Faces of DUNE featuring Dr. Gollapinni
Mar. 2018: Postdoc Wei Tang Awarded Fermilab's NPC Fellowship
Feb. 2018: DUNE News Artcile on Calibration featuring Gollapinni and Colleagues
Feb. 2018: Gollapinni speaks at the PechaKucha vol. 10 "Talk to Me" Public Lecture Series
Dec. 2017: Gollapinni featured by the DUNE experiment on her role as Fermilab UEC chair
Dec. 2017: Gollapinni featured in Fermilab's article on UEC and comments on her visionn as Fermilab UEC chair
Oct. 2017: Fermilab video featuring Prof. Gollapinni
Sep. 2017: Prof. Gollapinni elected as the chair of the Fermilab Users’ Executive Committee.
Aug. 2017: Prof. Gollapinni elected as one of the nine leaders to lead the construction, installation and commissioning of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) which will be the largest neutrino experiment that will ever be built.
Aug. 2017: Graduate students Gray Yarbrough and Andrew Mogan win prestigious DOE SCGSR awards to conduct research at Fermi National Laboratory in Batavia, IL for one year starting January 2018.
Apr. 2017: Gollapinni featured in UTK's Facebook Live Chat Series on "Women in Physics"
Dec. 2016: Prof. Gollapinni to co-direct Fermilab’s Saturday Morning Physics program, one of the most popular and legacy outreach program started by the Fermilab former director and nobel prize winner, Leon Lederman.
Sep. 2016: Prof. Gollapinni elected as the member of Fermilab's Users’ Executive Committee (UEC), an organization made up of both National and International users.
Mar. 2016: Fermilab video on neutrinos featuring Dr. Gollapinni